Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Gate Kolej Melati Tidak Suci.

last night kak syarika came to send some stuff for nia. she came pretty late so after met kak syarika, nia and i went to cafe to bought some food for sahur. we thought the gate will be locked at 2am. we were wrong.

it was at 11.45pm and we were stuck outside our college.wanna know what we did?we became superwoman for a while and climbed the gate.

nia:Pacha, kita panjat jak lar
me:WHAT?! seriously?
nia:serius lar bah ne getek. kalau nda macam mana mau masuk.dah lar kita pakai lengan pindik ne. nda mau aku masuk gate depan nanti kena saman lagi.

so we did climbed the gate. and after that we declared the gate of College Melati is not a virgin anymore.


  1. rtiny dr dlu lg la gate tu nda suciii!! hahahaa

  2. omg. which means yr nt a virgin anymore too. LOLOLOLLL XDD

  3. awein:well klau urg sbh kn ada jak ayat baru bah..hehe kbaruan bah kmi panjat pagar
    sarah:uits sa yg TELUS,MULUS,SUCI & MURNI ne masi virgin tau..hoho
